Big Data and Urban Planning




More details to come in the close future

How we conduct online and offline combined teaching at Tsinghua University in 2018 Autumn semester

In the era of “big data”, with the trend of globalization and informatization, online learning has gradually become a new way of education and provided students with opportunities and platforms for studying various quality courses in universities. The “XuetangX” learning platform initiated by Tsinghua University gathers high-quality global educational resources and becomes the third-party online education institution with the largest number of courses and accumulated users in China. After two consecutive years of the course "Big Data and Urban Planning" which was offered by the School of Architecture of Tsinghua University, the online course was recorded in the support of the “XuetangX”. In the paper, we mainly introduce the preparation of MOOC courses and the teaching process of online (theories and methods learning of MOOC) and offline (discussion and operational curriculum learning) combination in 2018-Fall semester.

龙瀛 2019 专指委教学论文_MOOC大数据与城市规划.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 2.6 MB
龙瀛和李派 2017 专指委教学论文_大数据与城市规划.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 3.1 MB

Our offline course in Tsinghua

Fall 2022

Fall 2021

Fall 2020

Fall 2019

Fall 2018

Fall 2017

We have provided all details of this course in 2016 on our website. Please click the image below for accessing the materials.

Fall 2016

We have provided all details of this course in 2016 on our website. Please click the image below for accessing the materials.

We were mentioned and highlighted by MOE, China