Digital Desert

Digital desert is termed as places where no or very few footprints harvested by digital devices geographically exist. DD is a son project of BCL SinoGrids (

We derived 1km*1km digital deserts by selecting those urban areas which have less than 6 locational Weibos, Flickr photos and Jiepang check-ins (shared in SinoGrids). The above map shows digital deserts with over one grid. In the close future, we would extend our digital footprints to Dianping comments and check-ins on one hand. Note that the above interactive map is full-screenable.

Courtesy of the contributors for SinoGrids.

Results at the provincial level

Results at the city proper level

Media coverage



Fore more, please click HERE.

In Chinese
大陆城市“数字沙漠”调查 - 凤凰周刊.pdf
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