Human scale urban form

The “human-scale” refers to a delicate level of fine granularity at which people interact with their surroundings with innate physiological, cognitive, and perceptual apparatus; “human-scale urban form” is the morphology of urban socio-ecological systems (SES) that not only serves people’s immediate needs for life, work, and spirituality, but is also tangible and directly appreciable by people in their daily lives; the performance of human-scale urban form is the manner in which and theefficiency with which urban form fulfils its intended purpose(s). As such, insights into how people interact, intentionally or otherwise, with a great variety of human-scale urban forms, and how and why people feel about if and to what extent their needs are met are valuable and informative pieces of knowledge to the contemporary practice of urban planning and design.

With the advancement in human understanding of urban landscape, and the development in data science and technology, it is now possible to measure at a high level of precision both human-scale urban form and its performance, and further explore ways in which these new understandings improve human practice in SES and enhance urban form performance at the human-scale.

Large-scale quantitative measurement of the quality of urban street space: A review

The new normal era witnesses the policy shifting from growth planning to quality management. It is in urgent need to carry out the scientific assessment and quantitative research on the built environment. As street is an important public domain, its quality and vitality become one of the major research directions. Focusing on street space, this paper analyzes the existing quantitative approaches of street space in China and abroad from three aspects: the concept of street space quality, the large-scale quantification method, and the measurement method of street space quality. In conclusion, there are a number of measurement approaches for physical street space in various aspects, but the integrated application of the approaches is limited. It is a new research direction in the world to use street view pictures with high availability to conduct street space measurement. The influencing mechanism of the quality and vitality of street space still requires in-depth research, and the discussion about scientific research-based street planning and design methods is lacked in existing studies.

A review on measuring quality of space (in Chinese with English abstract)
龙瀛和唐婧娴 2019 城市规划_空间品质综述.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 2.0 MB

Measuring visual quality of street space and its temporal variation: Methodology and its application in the Hutong area in Beijing

Although it is widely known that quality of street space plays a vital role in promoting urban vibrancy, there is still no consensus on how to quantitatively measure it for a large scale. Recent emerging dataset Street View Picture has revealed the possibility to overcome the previous limit, thus bringing forward a research paradigm shift. Taking this advantage, this paper explores a new approach for visual quality evaluation and variation identification of street space for a large area. Hutongs, which typically represent for historical street space in Beijing, are selected for empirical study. In the experimental part, we capture multi-years Tencent Street View Picture covering all the Hutongs, and conduct both physical and perceived visual quality evaluation. The physical visual quality of street space is achieved automatically by combining 3-dimensional composition calculation of greenery, openness, enclosure using machine-learning segmentation method SegNet, and 2-dimensional analysis of street wall continuity and cross-sectional proportion; perceived visual quality of street space is evaluated by stay willingness scoring from five aspects. The variation of quality is evaluated based on the identified physical space variations. The result indicates that visual quality of Hutongs are not satisfied, while some regeneration projects in the historical protection block is better. Most Hutongs are in shortage of visual green, relative more continuous but with low cross-sectional ratio. Hutongs near main road witness an increasing trend of motorization. The difference between physical and perceived quality indicates the feasibility and limitation of the auto-calculation method. In the most recent 3–4 years, less than 2.5% Hutongs are improved, which are mainly slow beautification.

Tang and Long, 2019 LAND_Quality.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.4 MB

Special issue of Landscape and Urban Planning

Measuring human-scale urban form and its performance

The journal Landscape and Urban Planning (LAND) solicits contributions for a Special Issue to be published in 2018 on “Measuring human-scale urban form and its performance”.

The “human-scale” refers to a delicate level of fine granularity at which people interact with their surroundings with innate physiological, cognitive, and perceptual apparatus; “human-scale urban form” is the morphology of urban socio-ecological systems (SES) that not only serves people’s immediate needs for life, work, and spirituality, but is also tangible and directly appreciable by people in their daily lives; the performance of human-scale urban form is the manner in which and theefficiency with which urban form fulfils its intended purpose(s). As such, insights into how people interact, intentionally or otherwise, with a great variety of human-scale urban forms, and how and why people feel about if and to what extent their needs are met are valuable and informative pieces of knowledge to the contemporary practice of urban planning and design.

With the advancement in human understanding of urban landscape, and the development in data science and technology, it is now possible to measure at a high level of precision both human-scale urban form and its performance, and further explore ways in which these new understandings improve human practice in SES and enhance urban form performance at the human-scale.

Through this Special Issue, the guest editors aim to make a compelling case for an emerging and promising research direction of measuring the “unmeasurable” human-scale urban form and performance. We welcome contributions by scholars and practitioners from around the world that focus on one or any combination of the following themes.

(1) Approaches to measuring human-scale urban forms; (2) The social, economic, environmental performances of human-scale urban forms; (3) The interrelationships between urban form and its performance; and (4) Making knowledge about human-scale urban forms and their performances usable, useful, and efficacious in planning and design practice. Research question contributions may address/ include, but are definitely not limited to:

  • How can we identify the human-scale features of urban form and related performance by applying new data environment and new analytical methods?
  • How can we quantitatively measure and model these features and related performance with geo-spatial tools?
  • Is it possible to generate an in-depth understanding of the underlying relationships between urban form and its performance? How can we promote better place-making based on these insights?

Contacts (already finished):

Please send any inquiries and your abstract/ manuscript by the above deadlines to the co-guest editors:

Ying Long, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. E-Mail:

Yu Ye, College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University, Shanghai, China. Email:

The Editorial for this special issue
Long and Ye 2019 LAND_UrbanForm.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 187.9 KB

Human-Scale Urban Form: Measurements, Performances, and its Urban Planning & Design Interventions

The human-centered perspective has been frequently mentioned in many national policies on urbanization in China, like National Guidelines for Developing a New Type of Urbanization and Central Urban Work Conference. Accompanying with the raising call for human-centered considerations in urban planning and design, a series of new data environment and new analytical methods bring new potentials for achieving this goal. For instance, the new data environment consisting of big data and open data helps provide foundation for in-depth studying of urban form and its related performances. New techniques and methods, e.g. Lidar imaging, virtual reality, eye-tracking, deep learning, big data mining and visualization, provide emerging insightful analytical approaches. Therefore, the paper proposes the conceptual framework of human-scale urban form that can be defined as visible, touchable, and appreciable urban form in people’s daily lives. It would be a meaningful supplement for classical urban morphology focusing on street blocks and parcels. Following this route, the paper firstly reviews existed studies related to the concept of human-scale urban form. Three essential issues of human-scale urban form, i.e., measurements, performances, and urban planning and design interventions, are then discussed to guide future researches. After that, several initial studies made by the authors are illustrated as empirical examples. In sum, the paper is an initial attempt to claim the concept framework of human-scale urban form and explore its potentials in urban planning and design practices. It might help promote the transition towards a more scientific planning and design paradigm, and finally contribute to better urban lives.

A paper in Chinese with English abstract
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.9 MB

Beijing vs Shanghai

Evaluation for Quality of Street Space in center area of mega-city: A comparative analysis of Beijing and Shanghai

The quality of street space has a great influence on behavior, public health, so as to cultural of urban daily life. The improvement of street space is gaining increasing concern from the policy makers and urban designers, especially in China`s metropolitan. A comparative evaluation for quality of street space in central area of Beijing and Shanghai is done in this paper, within which five hundred streets are randomly selected. Street view images are collected for image segmentation, users subjective scoring evaluation. It is found that street in central area of Beijing has a worse quality compared to Shanghai. The quality of street has yet to be refined to improve.

In Chinese
唐婧娴和龙瀛 2017 规划师_空间品质.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 4.2 MB

Sensing street greenery with street view pictures

Extensive evidence has revealed that street greenery, as a quality-of-life component, is important for oxygen production, pollutant absorption, and urban heat island effect mitigation. Determining how green our streets are has always been difficult given the time and money consumed using conventional methods. This study proposes an automatic method using an emerging online street-view service to address this issue. This method was used to analyze street greenery in the central areas (28.3 km2 each) of 245 major Chinese cities; this differs from previous studies, which have investigated small areas in a given city. Such a city-system-level study enabled us to detect potential universal laws governing street greenery as well as the impact factors. We collected over one million Tencent Street View pictures and calculated the green view index for each picture. We found the following rules: (1) longer streets in more economically developed and highly administrated cities tended to be greener; (2) cities in western China tend to have greener streets; and (3) the aggregated green view indices at the municipal level match with the approved National Garden Cities of China. These findings can prove useful for drafting more appropriate policies regarding planning and engineering practices for street greenery.

Long and Liu 2017 PlosOne_StreetGreen.pd
Adobe Acrobat Document 2.1 MB
郝新华和龙瀛 2017 上海城市规划_街道绿化.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 2.7 MB

The quality of street space

龙瀛 2016 北京规划建设_品质活力与设计.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 2.0 MB
唐婧娴等 2016 新建筑_街道空间品质.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 5.8 MB
李诗卉等 2016 北京规划建设_东四街道品质.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 6.4 MB
唐婧娴和龙瀛 2017 规划师_空间品质.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 4.2 MB
李智和龙瀛 2018 城市建筑_齐齐哈尔空间变化.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 2.7 MB
Li et al 2017 APSA_DongsiQuality.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 341.5 KB
孙施文等 2019 城市规划_共享与品质.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.4 MB

A special issue on quality and vitality of urban space in the new data environment in Planners





在经历了30多年的经济高速增长和城市快速扩张后,中国经济步入了“新常态”,并确立了“新型城镇化”战略。习近平2013年在中央城镇化工作会议上的讲话中指出,“…,城市建成区越摊越大,就会摊出不可治愈的城市病,甚至将来会出现一些‘空城’、‘鬼城’。”,以及“城市规划要由扩张性规划逐步转向限定城市边界、优化空间结构的规划”,近期的中央城市工作会议和《中共中央国务院关于进一步加强城市规划建设管理工作的若干意见》又对此进行了强调。 另一方面,随着信息通讯技术的快速发展,城市研究可获取的新数据环境(大数据和开放数据)不论是在时空覆盖和考察粒度方面都有巨大的提升,为更精细地从物质空间和社会空间刻画城市空间提供了可能。



1 龙瀛,周垠,图片城市主义:人的尺度城市形态研究的新思路

Picture Urbanism: Understanding human scale urban form with the lens of geotagged pictures


龙灜,清华大学城市规划工学博士,清华大学建筑学院副研究员,北京城市实验室创建人与执行主任。他的研究方向是量化城市研究及其规划设计响应,近五年他在城乡规划相关领域的SSCI/SCI知名期刊发表论文25篇,2015年出版Springer英文专著《Geospatial Analysis to Support Urban Planning in Beijing》。他还作为主持人或研究骨干累计参加三十余项科研和规划设计项目,多次获得国家和省部级奖励。

2 唐婧娴,龙瀛,特大城市中心区街道空间品质的测度:以北京二三环和上海内环街道为例

Evaluation for quality of street space in central areas of mega-cities: A comparative analysis of Beijing and Shanghai



3 储妍、茅明睿,数据如何驱动设计——以回龙观社区品质提升为例

How Data Drives Design: A Practical Case of the Quality Promotion in Huilongguan Community


储妍,北京市城市规划设计研究院规划师,哥伦比亚大学城市规划硕士。主要研究方向为大数据在城市规划和治理中的应用、规划公众参与和规划新媒体的运营与实践,作为大数据应用负责人参与了 “回龙观地区功能优化规划研究”项目。

4 曹越皓,龙瀛,基于网络照片数据的城市意象研究——以中国24个主要城市为例

The Evaluation of City Image Based on Network Photos Data: A Practical Case of 24 Major Cities in China



5 陈泳、王全燕、奚文沁、毛婕,街区空间形态对居民通行步行的影响分析——以上海为例

Impact of block-level urban morphology on walkability of residents: A case study in Shanghai



1-龙 瀛.pdf
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4-陈 泳.pdf
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5-储 妍.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 4.2 MB

A special issue on quality of public space in the new data environment in Urban Architecture




一座城市公共空间的“好”与“坏”也经常为居民与游客津津乐道。最近的诸多会议和文件都明确提出要把提高城市公共空间品质提到日程上来,公共空间的品质直接关系到一个城市的规划建设和管理水平并影响着居民的生活质量,对其进行深入研究具有深刻意义。空间品质(quality of space)是反映城市人群对城市空间综合需求而形成的评价概念,其作为空间的总体质量,反映了城市空间各组成要素空间在“量”和“质”两方面,对城市人群和城市社会经济发展的适宜程度。空间品质的综合性带来了界定和测度的困难,已有研究多以质性研究为主。

在城市公共空间品质及其提升被不断重视的背景下,信息与通信技术(Information and Communication Technologies、ICT),还通过对人生活方式的改变,进而对城市公共空间带来了巨大的影响。在中国快速城市化与ICT技术迅速发展的交叉口,中国城市公共空间无论是物质空间还是所承载的城市生活都发生了巨大变化。




龙瀛 2018 城市建筑_空间品质编者按.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 6.0 MB
龙瀛等 2018 城市建筑 新数据新技术主题沙龙.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 913.0 KB
Adobe Acrobat Document 17.9 MB

Urban Smellscape

A Dimension of the Quality of Street Space

Street space is the most fundamental aspect people perceive in urban space. Urban smellscape is one of the most important measurements for street quality. Nevertheless, most urban studies have overlooked smellscape for several reasons, one of which is that smell is difficult to record and analyse. This paper explores the possibility of combining smellwalking with social media data analysis for classifying city smells and mapping the smellscape of old Beijing which is later verified with semantic analysis of social media data. Besides, Houhai is selected as a case study area to show different layers of smells in a small scale and the influence smells have on places. Eventually, this paper discusses the possibility of employing smellscape in urban planning and design.

封蓉等 2017 时代建筑_气味景观.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 4.5 MB

The Impact of Historical Street’s Micro-Scale Built Environment on Visitor’s Halting Behavior during Walking

This paper probes into the micro-scale built environment of street in Beijing Wudaoying Hutong, covering the dimensions of street scale, transitional space between the street and buildings, floor space, façade of buildings, color and texture and contents of display. After identifying urban design features, the mechanism of impact of micro-scale built environment on halting behavior during walking is analyzed, which provides some implications on urban design guidelines of historical streets in Beijing.

张章等 建筑学报 2019_五道营.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.9 MB

Associations between the quality of street space and the attributes of the built environment using large volumes of street view pictures

In this study, we focus on the quality of street space which has attracted high attentions. We discover associations between the quality of street space and built environment attributes through an ordered logistic model using massive street view pictures (SVPs) and data on street location, form, function and attributes. Before ascertain which built environment factors influence the quality of street space, we checked the concordance of the experts’ scores, as well as correlations between different dimensions through Kappa analysis and drew the distribution map of street space quality. We found that the value of intersection over union is 85.61% for scoring the street space quality by different people. The spatial quality of more than 75% streets are in the middle level with no obvious polarisation observed in the central area of Qingdao. In addition, for street quality index, all variables are statistically significant. The sequence is as follows: near-line rate > D/H ratio > slope > length of street > distance to administrative center > POIs diversity. The D/H ratio, near-line rate, slope length of street, distance to administrative center and POIs diversity have various associations on every dimension of street quality. They can prove useful for drafting more appropriate policy measures aimed at improving street quality.

Li et al 2021 EPB_QingdaoQuality.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.3 MB

Decoding vibrant urban space: evidence based on international systematic review and local empirical research

The spatial factors that affect urban vitality are complex and diverse. There is no consensus in existing studies, and there is a lack of summary and verification. Through systematic review and empirical research, the spatial factors affecting urban vitality are explored. Relevant empirical studies are searched and screened in Web of Science Core Collection. Common indicators representing urban vitality and spatial factors affecting urban vitality are summarized, including research scale, specific indicators, occurrence frequency, and Impact properties. The local empirical research takes the downtown area of Linyi as the research scope and the block as the research unit. It uses Weibo check-in data, POI (Point of Interest) data and night light data to measure the urban vitality, and measures 16 spatial factor indicators to establish an econometric model to analyze the correlation between spatial factors and urban vitality. The results show that the spatial factors affecting urban vitality are mainly divided into six categories: road traffic, block pattern, land use, architectural characteristics, accessibility and boundary vacuum. The convenience of transportation, the degree of land mixing and development intensity, and the relative location of research units are all important factors affecting urban vitality. The research results are helpful to understand the specific performance of vibrant urban space. It provides theoretical basis and practical reference for relevant research, and provides theoretical support and optimization direction for improving vitality oriented urban construction.

马悦等 2022 UED_高活力城市空间.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.4 MB