Applied Urban Modeling


Theory and Application of Urban Modeling: A Textbook



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龙瀛 2021 教材_城市模型原理与应用.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.4 MB

A collection of teaching materials for a virtual course


Applied Urban Models and Their Applications in Urban Planning & Design



1 城市模型与规划支持系统

1.1 规划支持系统在城市规划中的应用探索

1.2 多尺度的北京城市空间发展模型

1.3 规划师主体模型:一项低碳城市形态规划支持的工具

1.4 囊括方法、软件和模型的规划支持系统框架体系

1.5 面向空间规划的微观模拟

2 大模型与定量城市研究

2.1 大模型及中国应用案例

2.2 基于OpenStreetMap和兴趣点数据的地块特征自动识别

2.3 地块尺度中国所有城市的空间扩张模拟

2.4 中国PM2.5的人口暴露评估

2.5 利用北京公共交通刷卡数据的若干定量城市研究

2.6 当前定量城市研究的四项变革

3 规划设计响应

3.1 数据增强设计:新数据环境下的规划设计回应与改变

3.2 街道城市主义

3.3 城市规划实施评价:针对中国城市的分析框架

3.4 基于人类活动和移动数据的城市增长边界实施评价

3.5 中国收缩城市及其研究框架

3.6 历史上的北京规划

1 Urban Models and Planning Support Systems

1.1 Planning support systems in urban planning

1.2 Beijing urban spatial development model families

1.3 Planner Agents: A toolkit for support planning a low carbon urban form

1.4 An applied planning support toolkit including quantitative methods, software and models in China

1.5 Urban micro-simulation for spatial planning

2 Big Models and Quantitative Urban Studies

2.1 Big models: Several fine-scale urban studies for the whole China

2.2 Automated identification and characterization of parcels (AICP) with OpenStreetMap and points of interest

2.3 Simulating urban expansion at the parcel level for all Chinese cities

2.4 Estimating population exposure to PM2.5 in China

2.5 Bus landscapes: Analyzing commuting pattern using bus/metro smartcard data in Beijing

2.6 Four changes on quantitative urban studies in the big data era

3 Applications in Urban Planning & Design

3.1 Data augmented design (DAD): Planning & design in new data environment

3.2 Street urbanism

3.3 Evaluation of urban planning implementation: An analytical framework for Chinese cities and case study of Beijing

3.4 Evaluating the effectiveness of urban growth boundaries with human mobility data

3.5 Shrinking cities in China and the research agenda

3.6 Historical city plans in Beijing

Downloads: Part 1

1.1 Planning support systems in urban pl
Adobe Acrobat Document 7.2 MB
1.2 Beijing Urban Spatial Development Mo
Adobe Acrobat Document 5.1 MB
1.3 Planner Agents A toolkit for support
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.7 MB

1.4 An applied planning support toolkit
Adobe Acrobat Document 4.2 MB
1.5 Urban micro-simulation for spatial p
Adobe Acrobat Document 3.5 MB

Downloads: Part 2

2.1 Big models Several fine-scale urban
Adobe Acrobat Document 3.4 MB
2.2 Automated identification and charact
Adobe Acrobat Document 2.4 MB
2.3 Simulating urban expansion at the pa
Adobe Acrobat Document 2.3 MB

2.4 Estimating population exposure to PM
Adobe Acrobat Document 2.4 MB
2.5 Bus landscapes Analyzing commuting p
Adobe Acrobat Document 2.7 MB
2.6 Four changes on quantitative urban s
Adobe Acrobat Document 5.4 MB

Downloads: Part 3

3.1 Data Augmented Design (DAD) Planning
Adobe Acrobat Document 6.7 MB
3.2 Street urbanism.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 4.0 MB
3.3 Evaluation of urban planning impleme
Adobe Acrobat Document 2.7 MB

3.4 Evaluating the effectiveness of urba
Adobe Acrobat Document 3.5 MB
3.5 Shrinking cities in China and the re
Adobe Acrobat Document 4.4 MB
3.6 Historical city plans in Beijing.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 9.9 MB

All courses in a click
Compressed Archive in ZIP Format 67.8 MB

The 城市模型概论 course in Tsinghua (Spring 2019)

The 城市模型概论 course in Tsinghua (Spring 2018)

We are providing all materials of this course and they are accessible via clicking the figure below.