Urban Green Infrastructure

Green Infrastructure for Shrinking Cities in China

Deciphering the recreational use of urban parks: Experiments using multi-source big data for all Chinese cities

Chinas rapid urbanization process has accentuated the disparity between the demand for and supply of its park recreational services. Estimations of park use and an understanding of the factors that influence it are critical for increasing these services. However, the data traditionally used to quantify park use are often sub- jective as well as costly and laborious to procure. This paper assessed the use of parks through an analysis of check-in data obtained from the Weibo social media platform for 13,759 parks located in all 287 cities at prefecture level and above across China. We investigated how park attributes, accessibility, and the socioe- conomic environment affected the number and density of park check-ins. We used multiple linear regression models to analyze the factors influencing check-ins for park visits. The results showed that in all the cities, the influence of external factors on the number and density of check-in visits, notably the densities of points of interest (POIs) and bus stops around the parks was significantly positive, with the density of POIs being the most influential factor. Conversely, park attributes, which included the park service area and the landscape shape index (LSI), negatively influenced park use. The density of POIs and bus stops located around the park positively influenced the density of the recreational use of urban parks in cities within all administrative tiers, whereas the impact of park service areas was negative in all of them. Finally, the factors with the greatest influence varied according to the administrative tiers of the cities. These findings provide valuable inputs for increasing the efficiency of park use and improving recreational services according to the characteristics of different cities.

Li et al 2019 STOTEN_GreenLand.pdf
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Muiti-scale Evaluation of Urban Green Space Based on Muti-source New Data: Exploration of Main Cities in China

The scientific evaluation of urban green space provides data support for green space planning, and it plays an important role in building sustainable and healthy city. This paper develops an indicator system for evaluating the urban green space under the new data environment, from the perspectives such as shape, quality, vitality, and service level. Then based on the theory of “Big Model”, the paper carries out multi-scale assessments of the green space in central area of 287 Chinese cities, and take Zunyi as a case study of evaluating the quality and vitality of urban green space. To make the research more objectivity, unity, and comparability, we solved several key issues including the extraction of spatial data of urban green space, and the definition of central city. The results show that: At the scale of green patch, the overall compactness of urban green space is high, and most green spaces are located near the city center. At the urban scale, the average service level of urban green space of 287 Chinese cities is 57.45%, while the sub-provincial cities have the highest average service level, and the prefecture-level cities have the lowest service level. This paper analyzes the shortages and problems of the national urban green space in the country in order to provide reference for the construction of urban green space in the future.

李双金等 2018 风景园林_全国绿地.pdf
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The Special Issue published in Landscape and Architecture






All papers included in the Special Issue
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