Yichun Case Study

A field visit to Yichun伊春现场调研

Each photo is exposed by 8 seconds, aiming to revealing the activities and space of Yichun.



Data sharing for Yichun伊春数据共享

Please refer to our data released in the data channel of BCL.

32 The new data of Yichun, a shrinking city in North East China


Data format: ESRI ArcGIS 10.x, File Geodatabase

The data contributors: Ying Long, Dong Li (more to come)

For data downloading, please contact Dr Ying Long via ylong@tsinghua.edu.cn

Publications with related to Yichun

高舒琦和龙瀛 2017 规划师_伊春收缩.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 4.2 MB